An email is not being recieve into our inbox..Please help - ORF Forums

An email is not being recieve into our inbox..Please help RSS Back to forum


Using ORF Enterprise Edition Version 4.4.. we do not receive emails from a certain email address. If I ask them to send to my Hotmail or gmail I receive it. I check the Log Viewer and it does not show up there.

How do I use ORF to mark that email as being safe to deliver? It is of the form no-reply@

I have added the full email to the Sender Whitelist under the Tests tab and still it does not work..not sure if this is where I would do it.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

by markymarc 7 years ago

@markymarc: Hello markymarc,

If you cannot find the emails in the ORF logs (by the sender, recipient and/or subject line), that means 1) ORF is not the first mail security agent in the mail filtering chain, and 2) the affected emails are being rejected or rerouted by another service (e.g. the Content Filter of MS Exchange, or an Anti-Virus module) before ORF could inspect them.

The execution order of the installed filtering agents can be changed any time (see:, however, that is not going to change their behavior, so you will need to look into the protocol logs of Exchange in order to find the culprit that needs to be reconfigured. If you need instructions on how to analyze and/or enable protocol logs, please consult the following article:

Let me know if this has helped.

by Daniel Novak (Vamsoft) 7 years ago
(in reply to this post)


In the last few days getting this error
On Arrival error: Unexpected exception EEngineError "Size mismatch on rewriting the email.".
I noticed someone else had reported about 4 weeks ago when googled.
Is this from some recent microsoft patch.

We are on exchange 2016

by mal.sharpe 7 years ago

@mal.sharpe: Hello mal.sharpe,

It indeed appears to be the result of a recent Microsoft patch. In the particular case you are referring to, reregistering the cdosys.dll and restarting the affected machine has solved the issue. You may try it as well:

1. Start a 32bit command prompt

2. Then, run the commands below, in the following order:

regsvr32 /u c:\windows\syswow64\cdoex.dll (*skip this one if you use Exchange 2010 or above)

regsvr32 /u c:\windows\syswow64\cdosys.dll

regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\cdosys.dll

3. Restart the server

Once you are done with the above, please, monitor the ORF logs for a while and let me know if you see any change.

As for the error message “Size mismatch on rewriting the email”, it is triggered when an issue occurs during the modification of the email contents. Is your ORF installation configured to tag the header or the subject of the blacklisted emails by any chance? (ORF Administration Tool: Filtering > Actions > On Arrival)

by Daniel Novak (Vamsoft) 7 years ago
(in reply to this post)

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