recipient validation test : why does it reject instead of redirect? - ORF Forums

recipient validation test : why does it reject instead of redirect? RSS Back to forum


sometimes, people put typo errors in the sender email address, I would like to be able to forward the wrongly addressed email to the recipient .

I've already configured the test to be on arrival. so why does it reject rather than follow on arrival action?

Blacklisted by the Recipient Validation (all recipients blacklisted).

by christopher.low 6 years ago

Hello Christopher,

The On Arrival actions do not apply to the Recipient Blacklist, the Recipient Validation, DHA Protection, Attachment Filtering and the External Agents tests. The External Agent and Attachment Filtering tests have their own actions that can be applied on a per-item basis. The Recipient Blacklist, Recipient Validation and DHA Protection tests work with recipients rather than emails, thus different actions are used. It would be problematic to tag the email subject and deliver the blacklisted email to the intended recipient when the recipient does not exist. Accepting and forwarding the email to a specified inbox would be doable, but it would have negative consequences:

1) Unless the email is rejected, senders are not notified about On Arrival actions, as their emails are not rejected, but accepted, tagged and/or redirected. Thus, a sender would not be notified about the addressing error and would think that the recipient has received the email. The recipient would not receive any notification either and would be completely oblivious about the email. If said email contained time-sensitive information, this could have serious (perhaps even legal) consequences.

2) The specified target mailbox for the tagged emails would be full of spam messages that were sent to random addresses by spammers in an attempt to harvest valid addresses from your domain(s). Consequently, the administrator would receive a ton of false notification on a daily basis to check his mailbox. Checking hundreds or thousands of emails just to make sure that there is no legitimate among the garbage would be a perfect waste of time.

3) Since the recipient server would accept every email and reply with the SMTP equivalent of "OK, received", the spammers would keep sending emails to the non-existent users, add those addresses to their lists, possibly sell them to other spammers who, in turn, would bombard your mail server with even more garbage - wasting even more system resources.

All this just to save someone from the horrors of resending an email with the correct address :)

by Daniel Novak (Vamsoft) 6 years ago


"sometimes, people put typo errors in the sender email address, I would like to be able to forward the wrongly addressed email to the recipient"

Than sometimes people should read the upcoming NDR which the receive if the put typos in the recipient address. ;) If your approach would work, what would spammers hold sending anything to any bogus address? Thats kind of "catch all" which is a bad idea.


by NorbertFe 6 years ago

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